Samstag, 27. Juli 2024
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Two Best Paper Awards for the Faculty of Computer Science
Two Best Paper Awards for the Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
Good News from the East. Five academic members of unibz have recently been prized for their outstanding research performances during a European Conference in Nicosia.
The Best Paper Awards of the 21st European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems went to the works of prof. Johann Gamper, prof. Sven Helmer and their contributors Anton Dignös, Danila Piatov and Michael Shekelyan.

Sparse Prefix Sums, the paper by Shekelyan, Dignös and prof. Gamper, describes a new technique which can be used to answer queries to very large databases in an efficient way. “One possible example could be an anagraphic database that stores the names of people and their place of residence”, explains Johann Gamper, “in this case, asking how many people live in an arbitrary area specified by the user (e.g., 50km around Rome) could be done more rapidly and easily”.

The other paper who got the award - Interactive Time Series Subsequence Matching - was written by Piatov, Helmer and Gamper and its focus is on finding similar situations in a lot of time series data. This work was carried out in particular within the framework of a cooperation with the Südtiroler Beratungsring. This institution disposes of a big amount of stored data on temperature, humidity, wind force, etc. in a database and is interested in finding similar situations in the past (e. g. the most similar summer or week) in order to be able to compare different situations. The findings of the researchers of unibz could result in a very useful tool for agriculture companies.

“We’re very happy with our results because the competition in Nicosia was really fierce”, says prof. Gamper, “the European Conference was very selective with an acceptance rate of 24%”.


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